stick shift


stick shift 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a manually operated transmission for an automotive vehicle, with the shift lever set either in the floor or on the steering column.

stick shift 近义词

n. 名词 noun

manual transmission

stick shift 的近义词 1

更多stick shift例句

  1. Added to drinking water at concentrations of around one part per million, fluoride ions stick to dental plaque.
  2. Do you think that as we get older our thoughts shift to the more abstract, the music, than the definite, the lyrics?
  3. He wore white gloves, a dignified long black coat, and matching pants and vest, and he carried a dark walking stick.
  4. After some animated debate at the conference, Lelaie declared, with some frustration, “If you push on the stick, you will fly.”
  5. As Sutton shows in his book, the important shift took place gradually, from the end of the Civil War until World War II.
  6. You see, they always butter their chairs so that they won't stick fast when they sit down.
  7. Whoever succeeded in getting the ring on his stick won the game, and carried the prize home as a sign of victory.
  8. By using his walking stick he discovered that they formed a trail to a point in the wall.
  9. I am not informed further; but inasmuch as you are living on the place, my advice is that you stick right there, and hold it.
  10. The last time I tried it, I caught the end of my stick between two rocks and it broke.